Ancien Bourrsier Sauvé (2010-11) et co-fondateur de Teach For Canada/’Enseigner pour le Canada , Kyle Hill vient d’être nommé membre du Education Review Panel de la Nouvelle Écosse.
Minister Names Education Review Panel
Education and Early Childhood Development
A former lieutenant governor with decades of experience in education will lead a panel to identify what Nova Scotians think needs to be done to strengthen the public education system. Myra Freeman and five panelists will seek public opinion on what is working with public education and what needs improvement, Education and Early Development Minister Karen Casey announced today, Feb. 19.
« There has not been a comprehensive review of education in 25 years and a lot has changed, » Ms. Casey said. « Government is committed to a new direction for the public education system. « This review is the first step to doing that. I encourage all Nova Scotians to give the panel their thoughts on how to improve public education. We want people to be part of the changes ahead for education. »
The other panelists are:
— Tina Dixon, Bear River, Digby Co.
— Mike Henderson, Brookfield, Colchester Co.
— Kyle Hill, Toronto, formerly of Yarmouth
— Gordon MacInnis, Glace Bay
— Donna O’Connell, Pugwash, Cumberland Co.