Teach For Canada/Enseigner pour le Canada, co-fondé par l’Ancien Boursier Sauvé Kyle Hill, est le sujet d’un article flatteur dans le Globe and Mail.

A job for new graduates: Fix Canada’s education gaps
Only 40 per cent of First Nations students living on reserves graduate from high school. They score far below other students on standardized tests. And their numbers are about to explode.
So it might seem counterintuitive to send teachers with zero experience – or even a teaching degree – to help boost their educational prospects.
But Kyle Hill, one of the co-founders of a new organization called Teach For Canada, thinks idealistic young grads are just the leaders these students need. And he’s trying to sell them on two-year placements in remote communities.
They will have mentors, and a crash course the summer before they get into schools. But as Mr. Hill, a Rhodes scholar who is now a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group says, “The most important training will come in the classroom, as it does for any teacher.”
If his project sounds familiar, it’s because it borrows heavily from Teach For America, which was founded in 1989 and has sent almost 30,000 college graduates and professionals to teach inner-city kids.

Kyle écrit sur Facebook : We’re working hard to design a program that will help make education more equal. Sign up for our mailing list at www.teachforcanada.ca.