Sauvé Fellow, Mame Bousso Ndiaye (Sauvé Scholar 2012-13) was singled out for special recognition by President Barack Obama in his speech to the Town Hall meeting of July 28th with the 500 Young African Mandela Washington fellows of 2014. “I believe in...

On behalf of the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation, President and Executive Director Désirée McGraw warmly welcomes Ilona Dougherty to the Sauvé team. Ilona will serve as a Senior Advisor to the Foundation from August 2014 through April 2015; working closely wi...

The Jeanne Sauvé Foundation (JSF) is pleased to once again partner with the Banff Forum whose mission of “bringing together young leaders in an informal setting to discuss emerging ideas, helping to reinvigorate public debate and improve the lives of C...

The Jeanne Sauvé Foundation is very pleased to announce the 2014 Jeanne Sauvé Address by distinguished foreign correspondent and Radio-Canada Television’s weekday news anchor Céline Galipeau: Friday 7 November 2014 from 4pm to 6pm L’Ermitage (Salle...

The Jeanne Sauvé Foundation proudly supports and urges you to join the People’s Climate March and Walking the Walk on Climate Change. World leaders are meeting in New York City during the week of September 21st for a historic UN summit on climate c...

The past few months have been busy and productive for  Sauvé Senior Fellow Brett House. He recently forwarded to the Board and staff of the Foundation the brief summary below of his activities including opinion pieces, papers and media clips. The quanti...

The Foundation is co-sponsoring with Jubilee USA Network the civil society policy forum After SCOTUS: Next Steps in Sovereign Debt Restructuring, co-organized by JSF Senior Fellow Brett House and Jubilee USA Executive Director Eric LeCompte. The session i...

The Jeanne Sauvé Foundation joined the blue-ribbon group of sponsors of the Canada 2020 Conference in Ottawa (October 1-3). JSF participants included President Désirée McGraw; Special Advisor Liane Benoit; Jeanne Sauvé Fellows David Donovan and Sadia ...