A generally accepted fact that every woman knows and supports, women's bags are a great addition to any image. The main rule that needs to be taken into account when choosing a bag is that each accessory has its own place. In this article we will talk about minodiere bags and when to wear it. If you don't know what "minodiere" means yet, then you definitely don't have such a handbag, and in 2023, every fashionista should have it.The history of the creation of the bag-minodierE Translated from French, "minodiere" means "to flirt". For the first time this bag appeared in the 20s of the last century. Her story began with the fact that one lady began to use a metal box instead of a handbag. The box did not have a presentable appearance, so the son of a famous jewelry seller decided to decorate it. The fame of the metal bag with inlay spread at a towering speed, now every fashionista dreamed of an exclusive bag called a dressing case.This was the beginning of work on the creation of a minodiere bag. As the creator Charles says, the inspiration for the work was the sister "coquette", so the bag got exactly this name. Then my sister married a jeweler, and a wonderful tandem began to create these beautiful bags, which they patented under their own name.In the 50s, a minodiere bag was sold at auction for 22 thousand US dollars, although its original price was only 9 thousand dollars. The minodiere bag was in excellent condition, and its beauty struck two ladies who could not share it. It is not possible to imagine how much this bag would cost at auction now. For example, quite recently, a gold bag from Bulgari 80 of that year was sold at auction in Geneva for only $ 17,000. Even bags of recent production become a real work of art.In 2023, the minodiere bag is simply necessary In 2023, the most striking accessory will be the minodiere bag. More than one solemn meeting, or a svetsky evening will not do without accessories. It used to be a minodiere bag in the form of a box, now the choice of accessories is simply huge. Designers have tried and created bags in the form of dogs, perfume bottles, and even in the form of fruits. It is worth noting that such bags are very beautiful, but not practical, they are created to decorate your image and the woman as a whole. Looking for the latest no deposit bonuses at online casino sites across Canada? On this page, we'll round up the free casino bonus options available at Canadian online casinos, including free spin offers and promos that give you bonus cash just for signing up.
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