Diana Thébaud Nicholson Senior Advisor Since her childhood as the daughter of a senior naval officer and diplomat, Diana Thébaud Nicholson has been surrounded by people of diverse cultures and interests. This, combined with her life-long passion for wor...

We are pleased to announce the dates and topics for the Jeanne Sauvé Forum Series this Fall 2017! Please join us as we showcase inspiring personal and organizational stories about overcoming social isolation, and explore the power and role of social conn...

This week, the 2017-19 Sauvé Fellows kicked off their 12-week Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Encounters series with the topic of Indigenous Canadians. Three guests from the Montreal community came to share their stories: Konwatsistsawi Meloche, the...

A report by Sauvé Fellows Nicole Leaver and Bojan Francuz “Genocide prevention must become good politics,” i.e. become relevant on the minds of policy-makers and elected officials, said Kyle Matthews, the Executive Director of the Montreal Institute ...

A report by Sauvé Fellow Semuhi Sinanoğlu On 3rd of October, JSF fellows came together to discuss the topic of social inclusion of refugees & immigrants. The JSF fellows also hosted two distinguished speakers, Mr. Paul Clarke, the Executive Director...

A report by Sauvé Fellow Sashenka Lleshaj: On October 10, Sauvé Fellows had a full-day discussion on the topic of radicalization. While exploring a topic that brings up heated debates among scholars and policymakers alike, many questions were answered a...

An interview with 2004-05 Fellow Ali Raza Khan (Pakistan) How was the Sauvé experience for you? It was the most incredible experience of my life. The opportunity, environment, recognition and support that the Sauvé Program provided was remarkable. Livin...